With an action as follows :-

public class MyAction extends ActionSupport { 
  private List<LocalDate> selectedPurchasePeriods = new ArrayList();

  public void setSelectedPurChasePeriodes(List<LocalDate> periods) {
    this.selectedPurchasePeriods = periods;

To allow conversion to take place, we probably needs to write up a converter, such that when a requiest such as


will results in the List<LocalDate> being populated with 2 dates.

Here's how the converter might look like (notes are inserted as comments in the code)

 * @author martin.gilday
public class YearMonthToLocalDateConverter extends WebWorkTypeConverter {
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(YearMonthToLocalDateConverter.class);
private static final DateTimeFormatter YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT =  DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM");

public Object convertFromString(Map context, String[] values, Class toClass) {		
  try {
     // Since the assiciated property in WebWork action is List<LocalDate>, we'll need to 
     // return result of the correct type as well, maybe something like
     return new ArrayList() { 
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("FAILURE TO CONVERT", e);
    throw new TypeConversionException("Unable to convert to LocalDate");
public String convertToString(Map context, Object o) {		
  try {
    // We might want to return a sensible string such that when we use eg. <ww:property ... /> tag,  
    // sensible string representation gets printed out, Object o is castable to List<LocalDate>. 

  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new TypeConversionException("Unable to convert LocalDate to String");

WebWork uses request.getParameterValues(...) when getting request parameters, and the converter could access it using values0, values1 .... etc